Blister Pack Recycling Scheme
in association with The View Coffee Shop
During January and February we will be trialling a medicine blister pack recycling scheme.
You will have the opportunity to drop off any empty blister packs at The View Coffee Shop along with a voluntary donation to help towards the cost of the postage and recycling charges.
Each blister pack costs approximately 7p to recycle, this price comes down the more we collect. All we ask is for a small voluntary donation to help cover the costs. A minimum suggested donation of 50p per drop off (approximately 10 strips). Once we have collected our first 600 packs we will then send those off to Terracycle to be recycled. If we can cover the majority of the costs from donations received we will be able to continue the scheme.
Terracycle are the leading industry solution to recycling blister packaging in the UK. With over 75 million blister packs recycled so far. The packs are shredded and the plastics are separated from the aluminium, the raw elements are then made into new products. 98% of all items received by Terracycle are successfully recycled into new products.
What to do....
Collect your blister packs at home.
Come for a coffee or tea at the View Coffee Shop, Milton Abbas and bring them with you.
Pop your collected empty packs into the box provided along with a cash donation. Minimum suggested donation 50p per 10 strips.
Feel good that you have successfully given your blister packs a new lease of life.
Thank you
Snapper and Hayley